Show /Breeding quality pup
If you
want to purchase a Show /breeding quality puppy then we will have you sign a few requirements that we expect from our fellow
bulldog breeders. This is strictly for our dogs benefit and to protect the line and type we are trying to add to this awesome
1. You will be required to have your new puppy or dog viewed by a certified vet. With in 48 hours of
purchase, and will provide paperwork proving the visit to the vet in order for us to honor your guarantee on your dog.
2. You will be required to have your dog OFA certified or Penn hipped by the age of
2 years of age before you will be able to breed the animal. If the animal does not pass the hip evaluation then the guarantee
will be honored.
3. You will be required to have your dog in a suitable environment. No prolonged exposure to concrete, No kennel or joint sores. Avoid highly strenuous
activitiy with the dog ( Weight pulling ) before the age of 1.5 yrs. also keep the dog in a lean health condition
(not over weight).
We hope that potential buyers can understand that we are doing
this to preserve our breed's health.